Conference and Talks
(Oral) Invited talk, "Understanding molecular orientation and transport: from electrochemical interface to porous materials”, Georgia State University, February 2022.
(Oral) Invited talk, “3D transport of toxins inside live BHK cells using phase engineered optical microscopy”, TIFR Hyderabad, India, January 2022.
(Oral) Invited talk, “3D transport of toxins inside live BHK cells using phase engineered optical microscopy”, Future of Chemistry Symposium, Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR Mumbai, India, December 2021.
(Oral) “3D transport of toxins inside live BHK cells using phase engineered optical microscopy”, SERMACS, November 2021, Birmingham, AL, USA.
(Oral) “3D transport inside live cells”, Wintergreen Meeting of Physical Chemists, September 2021, Wintergreen, VA, USA.
(Oral) “Subcellular 3D transport using phase engineered optical microscopy”, Physical Chemistry and Physical Biology, September 2021, India.
(Oral) Invited talk, “Molecular transport at complex environments using 3D single-particle tracking”, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, September 2021.
(Oral) Invited talk, “Spectroscopy and microscopy at the interface and beyond”, Shiv Nadar University, June 2021.
(Oral) Invited talk, “Single particle transport at complex environments”, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, June 2021.
(Poster) Chayan Dutta, Logan D.C. Bishop, Jorge Zepeda O., Sudeshna Chatterjee, Charlotte Flatebo, Christy F. Landes, “Confined diffusion dominates lysozyme transport on pH-responsive polymer hydrogels”, Pacific conference on spectroscopy and dynamics 2020, San Diego, CA.
(Oral) Chayan Dutta, Sudeshna Chatterjee, Christy F. Landes, “Super-resolution (fcsSOFI) imaging of porous polymer support and active control of protein dynamics.” ACS San Diego August-2019.
(Poster) Chayan Dutta, Logan Bishop, Christy F. Landes “Active Control of Protein Dynamics on Interfaces”. Materials Today: Materials Science for the Next Two Decades, Rice University, Houston, Texas, September 2018.
(Oral) Chayan Dutta, Anastasiia Misiura, Nicholas Moringo, Christy F. Landes “Protein Dynamics on the Stimuli-responsive Nanogel Surfaces and Nano pores”. ACS Boston August-2018.
(Oral) Chayan Dutta, Muhammet Mammetkuliyev, Alexander V. Benderskii “Water bending vibration: a closer look at the flip-flop of water molecules at charged interfaces”. ACS San Francisco April-2017.
(Poster) Chayan Dutta, Muhammet Mammetkuliyev, Alexander V. Benderskii "Water bending vibration as a probe to determine water structure at the air/water interface", Gordon Research Conferences, University of New England, Maine, USA., 17-22 July 2016.
(Poster) Chayan Dutta, Anton Svirida, Marina Rukhadze, Muhammet Mammetkuliyev, Alexander V. Benderskii, “Insight into water structure at surfactant surfaces and in micro emulsion confinement”, Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy 2015, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA.
(Poster) Chayan Dutta, Sergey Malyk, Alexander V. Benderskii, “Spectroscopy of water bend at neutral and charged surfaces”, Advances in Spectroscopy and Ultrafast Dynamics 2014, Kolkata, India.
(Poster) Chayan Dutta, Sergey Malyk, Alexander V. Benderskii, “Structure of water at the air/water interface studied by polarization sensitive SFG spectroscopy”, CaSTL summer school on linear and non-linear Raman spectroscopy in the single molecule limit, UC Irvine,CA, August 2014.
(Poster) Sandeep K. Maurya, Chayan Dutta, Debabrata Goswami, “Comparative study of one photon and two photon induced fluorescence: Effect of concentration”, The Third Asian Spectroscopy Conference, November 28 - December 1, 2011, Xiamen, China.